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AWS Eks-Cluster-Autoscaler



argo_application_enabledIf set to true, the module will be deployed as ArgoCD application, otherwise it will be deployed as a Helm releaseboolfalse
argo_application_use_helmIf set to true, the ArgoCD Application manifest will be deployed using Kubernetes provider as a Helm release. Otherwise it'll be deployed as a Kubernetes manifest. See Readme for more infoboolfalse
argo_application_valuesValue overrides to use when deploying argo application object with helmfalse
argo_destionation_serverDestination server for ArgoCD Applicationstringfalse
argo_infoArgoCD info manifest parameterfalse
argo_namespaceNamespace to deploy ArgoCD application CRD tostringfalse
argo_projectArgoCD Application projectstringfalse
argo_sync_policyArgoCD syncPolicy manifest parameterfalse
cluster_identity_oidc_issuerThe OIDC Identity issuer for the clusterstringtrue
cluster_identity_oidc_issuer_arnThe OIDC Identity issuer ARN for the cluster that can be used to associate IAM roles with a service accountstringtrue
cluster_nameThe name of the clusterstringtrue
enabledVariable indicating whether deployment is enabledboolfalse
helm_chart_nameHelm chart name to be installedstringfalse
helm_chart_versionVersion of the Helm chartstringfalse
helm_create_namespaceCreate the namespace if it does not yet existboolfalse
helm_release_nameHelm release namestringfalse
helm_repo_urlHelm repositorystringfalse
k8s_irsa_role_createWhether to create IRSA role and annotate service accountboolfalse
k8s_namespaceThe K8s namespace in which the node-problem-detector service account has been createdstringfalse
k8s_rbac_createWhether to create and use RBAC resourcesboolfalse
k8s_service_account_createWhether to create Service Accountboolfalse
k8s_service_account_nameThe k8s cluster-autoscaler service account namefalse
settingsAdditional settings which will be passed to the Helm chart values, see
valuesAdditional yaml encoded values which will be passed to the Helm chart, see
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written towriteConnectionSecretToReffalse


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringfalse