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Quickly create slb listeners resources on AliCloud based on Terraform module。


advanced_settingThe slb listener advanced settings to use on listeners. It's supports fields 'sticky_session', 'sticky_session_type', 'cookie', 'cookie_timeout', 'gzip', 'persistence_timeout', 'acl_status', 'acl_type', 'acl_id', 'idle_timeout' and 'request_timeout'。map(string)false
cookie(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。stringfalse
cookie_timeout(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。numberfalse
createWhether to create load balancer listeners。boolfalse
enable_gzip(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。boolfalse
enable_health_check(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。boolfalse
enable_sticky_session(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。boolfalse
health_checkThe slb listener health check settings to use on listeners. It's supports fields 'healthy_threshold','unhealthy_threshold','health_check_timeout', 'health_check', 'health_check_type', 'health_check_connect_port', 'health_check_domain', 'health_check_uri', 'health_check_http_code', 'health_check_method' and 'health_check_interval'。map(string)false
health_check_connect_port(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。stringfalse
health_check_domain(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。stringfalse
health_check_http_code(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。stringfalse
health_check_interval(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'health_check' instead。numberfalse
health_check_timeout(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'health_check' instead。numberfalse
health_check_type(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。stringfalse
health_check_uri(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。stringfalse
healthy_threshold(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'health_check' instead。numberfalse
listenersList of slb listeners. Each item can set all or part fields of alicloud_slb_listener resource。list(map(string))false
persistence_timeout(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。numberfalse
profile(Deprecated from version 1.3.0)The profile name as set in the shared credentials file. If not set, it will be sourced from the ALICLOUD_PROFILE environment variable。stringfalse
region(Deprecated from version 1.3.0)The region used to launch this module resources。stringfalse
retrive_slb_id(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。boolfalse
retrive_slb_ip(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。boolfalse
retrive_slb_proto(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。boolfalse
shared_credentials_file(Deprecated from version 1.3.0)This is the path to the shared credentials file. If this is not set and a profile is specified, $HOME/.aliyun/config.json will be used。stringfalse
skip_region_validation(Deprecated from version 1.3.0)Skip static validation of region ID. Used by users of alternative AlibabaCloud-like APIs or users w/ access to regions that are not public (yet)。boolfalse
slbThe load balancer ID used to add one or more listeners。stringfalse
ssl_certificatesSLB Server certificate settings to use on listeners. It's supports fields 'tls_cipher_policy', 'server_certificate_id' and 'enable_http2'。map(string)false
sticky_session_type(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'advance_setting' instead。stringfalse
unhealthy_threshold(Deprecated) It has been deprecated from 1.2.0, use 'listeners' and 'health_check' instead。numberfalse
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written to。writeConnectionSecretToReffalse
x_forwarded_forAdditional HTTP Header field 'X-Forwarded-For' to use on listeners. It's supports fields 'retrive_slb_ip', 'retrive_slb_id' and 'retrive_slb_proto'。map(bool)false


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written to。stringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written to。stringfalse