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AWS Subnet



assign_ipv6_address_on_creationAssign IPv6 address on subnet, must be disabled to change IPv6 CIDRs. This is the IPv6 equivalent of map_public_ip_on_launchboolfalse
availability_zoneAn availability zone name in the regionstringfalse
cidrThe CIDR block for the VPC. Default value is a valid CIDR, but not acceptable by AWS and should be overriddenstringfalse
create_vpcControls if VPC should be created (it affects almost all resources)boolfalse
enable_classiclinkShould be true to enable ClassicLink for the VPC. Only valid in regions and accounts that support EC2 Classic.boolfalse
enable_classiclink_dns_supportShould be true to enable ClassicLink DNS Support for the VPC. Only valid in regions and accounts that support EC2 Classic.boolfalse
enable_dns_hostnamesShould be true to enable DNS hostnames in the VPCboolfalse
enable_dns_supportShould be true to enable DNS support in the VPCboolfalse
enable_ipv6Requests an Amazon-provided IPv6 CIDR block with a /56 prefix length for the VPC. You cannot specify the range of IP addresses, or the size of the CIDR block.boolfalse
instance_tenancyA tenancy option for instances launched into the VPCstringfalse
ipv6_cidr_blockThe IPv6 CIDR block for the VPC.stringfalse
map_public_ip_on_launchShould be false if you do not want to auto-assign public IP on launchboolfalse
nameName to be used on all the resources as identifierstringfalse
subnet_cidrA list of subnets cidrs inside the VPCstringfalse
subnet_tagsA map of tags for the Subnetmap(string)false
vpc_idThe ID of the VPCstringfalse
vpc_tagsAdditional tags for the VPCmap(string)false
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written towriteConnectionSecretToReffalse


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringfalse