adjustment_type | (Deprecated from version 1.2.0) The method only used by the simple and step scaling rule to adjust the number of ECS instances. Valid values: QuantityChangeInCapacity, PercentChangeInCapacity and TotalCapacity. Use simple_rule_adjustment_type and step_rule_adjustment_type instead. | string | false | |
adjustment_value | The number of ECS instances to be adjusted in the simple scaling rule. The number of ECS instances to be adjusted in a single scaling activity cannot exceed 500. | number | false | |
alarm_description | The description for the alarm. | string | false | |
alarm_task_metric_name | The monitoring index name. Details see [system monitoring index]( and [custom monidoring index]( . | string | false | |
alarm_task_metric_type | The monitoring type for alarm task. Valid values system, custom. system means the metric data is collected by Aliyun Cloud Monitor Service(CMS); custom means the metric data is upload to CMS by users. | string | false | |
alarm_task_name | The name for alarm task. Default to a random string prefixed with terraform-alarm-task- . | string | false | |
alarm_task_setting | The setting of monitoring index setting. It contains the following parameters: period (A reference period used to collect, summary, and compute data. Default to 60 seconds), method (The method used to statistics data, default to Average), threshold (Verify whether the statistics data value of a metric exceeds the specified threshold. Default to 0), comparison_operator (The arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified method and threshold. Default to >=), trigger_after (You can select one the following options, such as 1, 2, 3, and 5 times. When the value of a metric exceeds the threshold for specified times, an event is triggered, and the specified scaling rule is applied. Default to 3 times.) | map(string) | false | |
cooldown | The cooldown time of the simple scaling rule. Valid values: 0 to 86400. Unit: seconds. If not set, the scaling group's cooldown will be used. | number | false | |
create_alarm_task | If true, the module will create a scheduled task for each scaling rule | bool | false | |
create_scheduled_task | If true, the module will create a scheduled task for each scaling rule | bool | false | |
create_simple_rule | Whether to create a simple scaling rule in the specified scaling group. | bool | false | |
create_step_rule | Whether to create a step scaling rule in the specified scaling group. | bool | false | |
create_target_tracking_rule | Whether to create a target tracking scaling rule in the specified scaling group. | bool | false | |
disable_scale_in | Whether to disable scale-in. This parameter is applicable only to target tracking scaling rules. | bool | false | |
enable_alarm_task | Whether to enable the alarm task. | bool | false | |
enable_scheduled_task | Whether to enable the scheduled task. | bool | false | |
estimated_instance_warmup | (Deprecated from version 1.2.0) The warm-up period of the ECS instances. It is applicable to target tracking and step scaling rules. The system adds ECS instances that are in the warm-up state to the scaling group, but does not report monitoring data during the warm-up period to CloudMonitor. Valid values: 0 to 86400. Unit: seconds. Use target_tracking_rule_estimated_instance_warmup and step_rule_estimated_instance_warmup instead. | number | false | |
metric_name | (Deprecated from version 1.2.0) The monitoring index name. Details see [system monitoring index]( and [custom monidoring index]( . Use target_tracking_rule_metric_name instead. | string | false | |
profile | (Deprecated from version 1.1.0) The profile name as set in the shared credentials file. If not set, it will be sourced from the ALICLOUD_PROFILE environment variable. | string | false | |
region | (Deprecated from version 1.1.0) The region ID used to launch this module resources. If not set, it will be sourced from followed by ALICLOUD_REGION environment variable and profile. | string | false | |
scaling_group_id | Specifying existing autoscaling group ID. If not set, it can be retrieved automatically by specifying filter scaling_group_name_regex . | string | false | |
scaling_group_name_regex | Using a name regex to retrieve existing scaling group automactially. | string | false | |
scaling_rule_name | (Deprecated from version 1.2.0) The name for scaling rule. Default to a random string prefixed with terraform-ess-<rule type>- . Use scaling_simple_rule_name, scaling_target_tracking_rule_name and scaling_step_rule_name instead. | string | false | |
scaling_simple_rule_name | The name for scaling rule. Default to a random string prefixed with terraform-ess-<rule type>- . | string | false | |
scaling_step_rule_name | The name for scaling rule. Default to a random string prefixed with terraform-ess-<rule type>- . | string | false | |
scaling_target_tracking_rule_name | The name for scaling rule. Default to a random string prefixed with terraform-ess-<rule type>- . | string | false | |
scheduled_task_description | Description of the scheduled task, which is 2-200 characters (English or Chinese) long. | string | false | |
scheduled_task_name | The name for scheduled task. Default to a random string prefixed with terraform-scheduled-task- . | string | false | |
scheduled_task_setting | The setting of running a scheduled task. It contains basic and recurrence setting. Deails see run_at (the time at which the scheduled task is triggered), retry_interval (the time period during which a failed scheduled task is retried, default to 600 seconds), recurrence_type (the recurrence type of the scheduled task: Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Cron, default to empty), recurrence_value (the recurrence frequency of the scheduled task, it must be set when recurrence_type is set) and end_at (the end time after which the scheduled task is no longer repeated. it will ignored if recurrence_type is not set) | map(string) | false | |
shared_credentials_file | (Deprecated from version 1.1.0) This is the path to the shared credentials file. If this is not set and a profile is specified, $HOME/.aliyun/config.json will be used. | string | false | |
simple_rule_adjustment_type | The method only used by the simple and step scaling rule to adjust the number of ECS instances. Valid values: QuantityChangeInCapacity, PercentChangeInCapacity and TotalCapacity. | string | false | |
skip_region_validation | (Deprecated from version 1.1.0) Skip static validation of region ID. Used by users of alternative AlibabaCloud-like APIs or users w/ access to regions that are not public (yet). | bool | false | |
step_adjustments | The predefined metric to monitor. This parameter is required and applicable only to step scaling rules. Each item contains the following parameters: lower_limit (The lower limit value specified. Valid values: -9.999999E18 to 9.999999E18.), upper_limit (The upper limit value specified. Valid values: -9.999999E18 to 9.999999E18.), adjustment_value (The specified number of ECS instances to be adjusted) | list(map(string)) | false | |
step_rule_adjustment_type | The method only used by the simple and step scaling rule to adjust the number of ECS instances. Valid values: QuantityChangeInCapacity, PercentChangeInCapacity and TotalCapacity. | string | false | |
step_rule_estimated_instance_warmup | The warm-up period of the ECS instances. It is applicable to target tracking and step scaling rules. The system adds ECS instances that are in the warm-up state to the scaling group, but does not report monitoring data during the warm-up period to CloudMonitor. Valid values: 0 to 86400. Unit: seconds. | number | false | |
target_tracking_rule_estimated_instance_warmup | The warm-up period of the ECS instances. It is applicable to target tracking and step scaling rules. The system adds ECS instances that are in the warm-up state to the scaling group, but does not report monitoring data during the warm-up period to CloudMonitor. Valid values: 0 to 86400. Unit: seconds. | number | false | |
target_tracking_rule_metric_name | The predefined metric to monitor. This parameter is required and applicable only to target tracking scaling rules. See valid values: | string | false | |
target_value | The target value of a metric. This parameter is required and applicable only to target tracking scaling rules. It must be greater than 0 and can have a maximum of three decimal places. | string | false | |
task_actions | The list of actions to execute when this alarm transition into an ALARM state. | list(string) | false | |
writeConnectionSecretToRef | The secret which the cloud resource connection will be written to | writeConnectionSecretToRef | false | |