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Version: v1.4



Bridgecrew READ ONLY integration module



account_aliasThe alias of the account the CF is deployed in. This will be prepended to all the resources in the stack. Default is {org_name}-bcstringfalse
api_tokenThis is your Bridgecrew platform Api token Set as and Environment variable TF_VAR_api_tokenstringtrue
aws_profileThe profile that was used to deploy this module. If the default profile / default credentials are used, seet this value to null.stringtrue
bridgecrew_account_idThe Bridgecrew AWS account ID from which scans will originate. This value should not typically be modified, but is provided here to support testing and troubleshooting, if needed.stringfalse
common_tagsImplements the common tags schememap(any)false
org_nameThe name of the company the integration is for. Must be alphanumeric.stringtrue
role_nameThe name for the Bridgecrew read-only IAM role.stringfalse
topic_nameThe name of the SNS topic for Bridgecrew to receive notifications. This value should not typically be modified, but is provided here to support testing and troubleshooting, if needed.stringfalse
writeConnectionSecretToRefThe secret which the cloud resource connection will be written towriteConnectionSecretToReffalse


nameThe secret name which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringtrue
namespaceThe secret namespace which the cloud resource connection will be written tostringfalse